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On September 21, a cleanup day was held at the Sadovod shopping complex, dedicated to the World Week “We Clean the World” (Let’s cleanse the planet of garbage).
At the Sadovod market, they cleaned up the surrounding areas and attracted the attention of local residents to the problems of environmental pollution. During a large-scale cleanup, they organized an educational campaign: they distributed leaflets to visitors and talked about ways to overcome the negative impact of humans on nature.
Every year, the campaign “We Clean the World” (Let’s cleanse the planet of garbage) is held all over the world. The environmental tradition began in September 1993 in Australia, when thousands of volunteers came out to clean ocean beaches. Every year, millions of volunteers set aside a week in September to collect and sort garbage in their hometown, and also travel to remote parts of the planet for environmental purposes.


Vladislav Novikov, General Director of Sadovod TC:
“Issues of environmental protection are discussed everywhere today. But awareness of responsibility comes only after participating in specific activities that improve the environmental situation. It is enough to remove household waste on your own street, in a nearby park, on the river bank, plant trees - and the city will become cleaner and better. All our employees and dozens of visitors took part in the “We Clean the World” campaign at the Sadovod market.”

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