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Vse Sport

Everything for sports at the Sadovod shopping center

 Outdoor games (badminton, basketball, football, hockey) help reboot and give strength. Roller skating, jumping rope, swimming, yoga - any regular activity helps you look good and creates a great mood.
  If you have not just decided to start playing sports “on Monday”, but are seriously thinking about sports training, then you cannot do without sports equipment and accessories. Yoga mats, dumbbells, balls, fitballs, rollers and skates, leg weights, water bottles and much more can be found on lines 6, 7, 8, 9, 13.
  Maintaining excellent physical shape, as well as getting their bodies in order, many of the fair sex prefer fitness classes, which are relevant at any age and are suitable for most lovely ladies. At Sadovod shopping center you can choose stylish, comfortable and bright sportswear for playing your favorite sport.

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