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статика 2

Celebrating Chinese New Year

According to the Chinese calendar, the new year 4721 will begin on the second new moon after the winter solstice - February 10. Each year in China is symbolized by a combination that is repeated every 60 years. She represents one of the 12 zodiac animals of a certain color, corresponding to one of the five elements (water, earth, metal, fire and wood). The year 2024 will pass under the sign of the Green Wood Dragon, which symbolizes power and strength. New Year's signs and traditions in China are similar to Russian ones: “how you celebrate the New Year is how you spend it,” you need to pay off debts and celebrate with your family. But there are also differences. So, you can’t take a shower, sweep the floor or throw away trash, so as not to wash away your luck. Avoid using scissors, knives and other sharp objects - they can cut off the flow of wealth, prosperity and abundance. For the same reason, you cannot cut your hair, argue, swear, break or spoil things. The New Year's table must include meat and fish, as well as dumplings. Even those family members who work or study in other cities or countries try to return to the festive dinner. The festive night ends with fireworks and firecrackers, which are supposed to scare away evil spirits and bring peace and happiness to the family. Happy Chinese New Year to everyone! We wish you endless energy, constant development, inner harmony and a joyful life!

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