complex working hours
06:00 - 18:00
seven days a week
help desk phone
seven days a week from 9:30 to 18:00
news how to get there scheme of the complex parking scheme
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All roads lead to Sadovod

It is impossible to count how many people have visited Sadovod over 26 years! We are glad that every year more and more people come to the shopping complex and new fans appear. “Gardener” is increasingly mentioned in video reviews and used as a location in films and TV series. We continue to set high standards for product diversity, product availability and maximum openness for visitors. To walk around 9,500 pavilions, spending just a minute on each of them, will take almost a week without sleep or rest! In the fall, you want to warm yourself, decorate your home with new decor and textiles, please your loved ones with your favorite toys and hobby goods, so that you can enjoy communication and beauty on long rainy evenings. Come to Sadovod and make your dreams come true! Let the fall be rich in bright events and stylish purchases!

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